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Test Structure

Global Pytest configuration settings are set within pytest.ini, in the top-level directory of the Django project.

Tests related to Epilepsy12 are found in the epilepsy12/tests directory.

This is an overview of their contents.

Factories, fixtures, meta tests

Module Description
_meta_tests Folder containing tests related to tests concerning the actual test environment setup, such as test-db seeding.
factories Module containing all FactoryBoy factories. Defines global fixtures.

Test directories

We aim for 100% test coverage. To this end, our test directory name-spacing mirrors that of the E12 App.

Directory Description
common_view_functions_tests Folder containing tests related to the common_view_functions.
general_functions_tests Folder containing tests related to the general_functions_tests.
model_tests Folder containing tests related to the model_tests.
view_tests Folder containing tests related to the view_tests.