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Dropdown Lists


Lists that feed either the toggle buttons or the select dropdowns are either found in the constants folder, or are seeded to the database in the migrations.

Organisation lists are seeded from constants as are the levels of abstraction associated with them (trust, ICB etc.)

The Epilepsy causes and comorbidities, by contrast are a SNOMED refset seeded from the RCPCH SNOMED server in migration 0006 and 0009 into EpilepsyCause and ComorbidityList respectively.

Syndromes are from lists in the constants folder.

Epilepsy medicines (both rescue and not) are found in the constants folder but look up the full SNOMED concept from the RCPCH SNOMED server before saving in the Medicine table.

Semiology Keywords, used to categorize words in the free text descriptions of a seizure event, are taken from a list in the constants folder.

The tables that supply the dropdowns are seeded in the migrations which is a recommended way in the Django documentation to add data, known as data migrations.

Since go-live, E12 have wished on the basis of user feedback, from time to time to add new items to these lists. The process for adding new items should be:


Workflow to add a new cause:

  1. Navigate to the SNOMED CT browser: and search for the cause and get the SCTID
  2. Add the SCTID to the extra_concept_ids list in migrations/ together with the appropriate name in the comments as a fallback Should include the SCTID, the term and the preferred term
  3. if the cause is not in the SNOMED CT server, add it manually to the extra_causes_without_concept_ids list in migrations/ Should include the term and the preferred term, with the conceptId provided as None. eg: extra_causes_without_concept_ids = [...., {"preferredTerm": "Cause name", "term": "Cause name"}]
  4. REMEMBER: adding causes here will not add them to the database, and is only for reference should the database be reseeded
  5. To add the causes to the database depends on whether the cause has an SCTID or not:

    • If the cause has an SCTID, on the command line in the epilepsy12 app, run the command: python seed --mode=add_new_epilepsy_causes -sctids <list of SCTIDs> [e.g. python seed --mode=add_new_epilepsy_causes -sctids 764946008 52767006]
    • if the cause does not have an SCTID, use the django shell:

      python shell
      from epilepsy12.general_functions import add_epilepsy_causes_without_snomedct_ids
      causes = [{"preferredTerm": "Cause name", "term": "Cause name"}]
  6. Check the database to ensure the causes have been added (a summary of the causes added will be printed to the console)

    docker compose exec django python seed --mode=add_new_epilepsy_causes -sctids 764946008 52767006 ...

Note that the function expects a list, even if only one item is supplied.


Just updating the RCPCH_ORGANISATIONS constant will not in itself update the database, but is a necessary step in the process. The workflow needs to be:

Deleting an organisation

  1. check there are no children associated with this organisation. If there are, it must not be deleted
  2. Delete the organisation in the admin. This will delete any relationships it also has with associated trusts/health boards etc as well KPIAggregation models

Updating an organisation

This can be done reasonably straightforwardly in the admin. Note that the ODS Code is a unique identifier and if the update includes an update to this, you are in effect creating a new organisation, rather than editing an existing one. Better therefore to create a new organisation and delete the old. This becomes more complicated if there are children associated with this organisation.

Adding a new organisation

This can be done in the admin. The ODS Code must be unique. The name and ODS code should ideally be mandatory fields but are not currently prescribed as such in the model. Note that you must also allocate the Trust/Health Board, ICB, NHS England Region, London Borough and Country. Add the same details to the RCPCH_ORGANISATIONS constant. This is necessary later when seeding the KPI Aggregation models in the shell:

from epilepsy12.common_view_functions import _seed_all_aggregation_models